Monday, December 14, 2009

Seperate Statehood -- Triple the Chance

After watching the tv for the last 2-3 weeks one question that is striking in every andhrite mind is -- What the hell is going on in Andhra Pradesh and the word hell means its literal meaning.
I belong to Andhra Pradesh -- Yes AHDNRA PRADESH (Not Andhra , Rayalaseema or Telangana) . I have lived in all parts of andhra pradesh and i love people from all these regions. I am sure that the majority of the people now in Andhra Pradesh has the same feeling.

I think this is the time that people should understand the bottom line of the Seperate Statehood.
The Reason -- A seperate Statehood would create A new CM post and 40 New Ministeries. The same Doesn't happen to the common jobs. Everything remains same. Starting from the No of Collectors to the Muncipal Staff nothing else Changes. The departments are same the Cader would be same and the Budget proportionately would be same too. A Seperate state would help all the Politically unemployed MLA's and MP's to increase their chance of becoming a minister by 300%. Now we have 1 Minister out of 6 MLA's and then it would ne 1 in 3. This is the Basic calculation thats going on in every Political leader's brain who is Fighiting for a seperate state.

Hypothetically - Lets just accept that all these politicians are fighting for the true cause 'The development of telangana'-- Then Considering the History from the Last 25 years how many of these Seperate state fighting politicians fought In assembly or Parliment for Projects,Dams or Development Activities or on issues like women Empowerement, Health ,Child care etc in telangana. no one ever cared about these issues. Now, out of the blue they need seperate state to answer all these issues --- So Funny.

All parts of the states have backward areas. They are backwars areas in Telangana , Raayalaseema and North Andhra. Infact rayalaseema has got most backward district in the state. People seem to miss the basic logic here i.e 23 is greater than 9 or 10 and If we can't develop a district or region with the Power of 42 MP's then there is no chance that we can do it with 17.

Some SSA (Seperate Statehood Activists For You and That 'A' has a Differnt Abbrevation For me) say, 'We Want to be Ruled by our People' -- Can this be Considered as a reason for seperate Statehood -- I Don't think so...beacuse Now this is for telangana region but tomorrow it can trickle down to district level and furthur there is no end point to this chain. When we are living in a democratic state majority is law and people from all the regions will have their chances to be the CM of the state,like there were Cheif Ministers who were from Telangana and the only PM from Andhra pradesh was also from this region.

I beleive in our Constitution and personally feel that dividing a state can happen any time if there is a real need for it, But not depending on the sentiments of the people. Seperation of a State cannot happen on non-Scalable terms. The Seperate statehood issue should be handled by a highly Skilled Technical Committee, Which will Consider the Economical,Geographical and Historically Scalable points to see the if there is a requirement for a Seperate State But definitely Not by an Italian as a Birthday Gift.

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